From Junior Doctor to Vascular Surgeon by Dr Francesca Guest
Francesca was initially a foundation junior doctor before deciding to pursue a career in surgery. Francesca went on to complete her core surgical training and surgical exams (MRCS) before applying for a specialty training role within vascular surgery.
Francesca has an interest in medical education and during the pandemic has voluntarily provided medical education through SMiLE (sustaining medical education in a lockdown environment) with over 10,000 members and around 1,000 students per Session. Francesca is a member of the Rouleaux Club executive committee (Vascular Specialty Group) and is the vascular representative on the Association of Surgeons in Training committee.
Outside of Medicine and Surgery Francesca is a professional harpist with “Dutty Moonshine Big Band” and achieved a UK top 40 album chart position in June 2020.
This talk is open to sixth form students and staff from local school.
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